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Dissertations and Theses 

A Study of the Evangelistic Methods and Preaching of E.E. Cleveland, by E.E. Rodgers (1967)

Adventist Spiritual Abolitionism, by Erin Reid (2004)

An Analysis of the National Association for the Prevention of Starvation's (NAPS) Theology and Practice of Evangelism, by Randrick Chance (2024)

An Organic-Prophetic-Liberation Model of Social Engagement, by Maury Jackson (2007)

Contributions of African American Women to Post-Secondary Education: Eva Beatrice Dykes, by Catherine Marie Johnson (1992)

Development of West Indies College, by Anthon C. Francis (1984)

Dilemma of Black Seventh-day Adventist Leadership, by Calvin Rock (1984)

Dr. T.R.M. Howard in Mount Bayou, Mississippi, by William J. Southerland (2016)

Dynamics of Communication and African-American Progress in the Adventist Church, by Delbert W. Baker (1993)

Emotion and Rationality in African American SDA Worship, by James R. Doggette (1992)

Enthusiasm and Charismatic Manifestations in Sabbatarian Adventism with Applications for the Seventh-day
Adventist Church of the Late Twentieth Century Church, by James Michael Wilson (1995) 

Eva B. Dykes, by Catherine Johnson (1992)

Evolution of Adventist Participation in Civil Rights Politics, by Samuel G. London (2006)

Hannah More, by William Knott (2006)

Historical and Contemporary Ideologies of Regional Conferences, by Debbie-Ann Francis (2019)

Impact of African Caribbean Settlers on the SDA Church in Britain, by Herbert Griffiths (2003)

James K. Humphrey and the Emergence of the Sabbath-Day Adventists, by R. Clifford Jones (2001)

Music in the Liturgy of Black and White Adventists, 1840-1940, by David A. Williams (2018)

Opinions of Negro Adventists in Atlanta toward Desegregation, by Llewellyn Swann (1969)

Origin and Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Work Among Negroes in Alabama and Mississippi, by O.B. Edwards (1942)
Pan-African Studies Community Education Program, by Jamal Benin (2013)

Pastoral Burnout and Renewal among Adventist Pastors, by Ivan L. Williams, Sr. (2002)

Pioneering Women of Southern Education, by Sharon Beasley (2014)

Policy Boards of Private Predominately Black Colleges and Universities, by DeWitt S. Williams (1975)

Public Evangelism in the SDA Church, by Howard Weeks (1966)

Race-Based Organizational Segregation, by David K. Penno (2009)

Racial Reconciliation in the SDA Church, by Winsley Hector (2012)

Regional Conferences in the SDA Church, by Alfonzo Greene, Jr. (2009)

Resistance and Accommodation to Racism Among Early Adventist Missionaries in the American South, by Kessia Reyne Bennett (2011)
Role of Music in the Liturgy of African American Adventists by Wayne Bucknor (2008)

Seventh-day Adventism in Tanzania, by Stefan Hoschele (2005)

Theology of Worship at Oakwood College Church, by John S. Nixon (2003)

The Function of loipos in Contexts of Judgment and Salvation in the Book of Revelation, by Leslie N. Pollard (2007)

Timeline of Black Adventist History


Compiled by Benjamin Baker 



May 17: 3rd General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


May 23: General Conference Session resolves: “That a field is now opened in the South for labor among the colored people and should be entered upon according to our ability.”


December 25: Ellen White receives vision to establish a health institution. 


Churches: 140


T&O: $12,000


End Membership: 4,000





May 16-17: 4th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


June 12: The Visions—Objections Answered by Uriah Smith is published.


September 5: Western Health Reform Institute in Battle Creek, Michigan, opens for patients.


Churches: 150


End Membership: 4,250






May 14-May 19: 5th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 160


End Membership: 4,320






May 12-May 18: 6th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


December 25: John West, believed to be the second black Seventh-day Adventist minister, dies in Peterboro, New York.


Churches: 159


Beginning Membership: 4,320


End Membership: 4,475






May 18-24: 7th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 167


Beginning Membership: 4,475


End Membership: 4,900






March 15-20: 8th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


December 20: William Hawkins Green is born in Lewisburg, North Carolina.


Churches: 179


T&O: $25,375


T&O (1866-1870): $103,157


Beginning Membership: 4,900


End Membership: 5,440






February 7-February 12: 9th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


May 2: Elbert B. Lane, the first Adventist minister in the South, reports in the Review and Herald of holding meetings in a depot in Edgefield Junction, Tennessee, with "white people occupying one room, and the Colored the other." Black Baptist minister Harry Lowe embraces Adventism at the meetings.


December 29, 1871-January 3, 1872: 10th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 185


Beginning Membership: 5,440


End Membership: 4,550






December 29, 1872-January 3, 1873: 10th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 204


Beginning Membership: 4,550


End Membership: 4,901






March 11-March 14: 11th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


November 14-November 16: 12th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 239


Beginning Membership: 4,901


End Membership: 5,875






March 4: Anna Knight is born to Newton and Georgeanne Knight in Jones County, Mississippi.


June 4: First issue of Signs of the Times, edited by James White, is published in Oakland, California.


August 10-August 15: 13th General Conference Session is held in Battle Creek, Michigan.






April 1: Silas Osborn reports in the Review and Herald of four black converts from meetings he held in Powder Mills, Kentucky.


August 15-August 18: 14th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 339


T&O: $33,156


T&O (71-75):  $147,690


Beginning Membership: N/A


End Membership: 8,042






March 31-April 6: 1st Special General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


June 10: Lottie Cornella Isbell Blake is born.


September 19-September 24: 15th General Conference Session, Lansing, Michigan.


November 12 and 13: 2nd Special General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 398


Beginning Membership: 8,042


End Membership: 10,044






February 22: A report appears in the Review and Herald from Mrs. H.M. Van Slyke about a "colored school" in Ray County, Missouri, in which she taught black orphans to read the Bible.


May 24: William F. Minisee dies in Solon, Kent County, Michigan.


March 7: James Kemuel Humphrey is born.


September 20-September 28: 16th General Conference Session, Lansing, Michigan.


September 22: Lucille Lewis (later Byard) is born.


Churches: 478


Beginning Membership: 10,044


End Membership: 11,608







January 3: C.O. Taylor reports in the Review and Herald that lawyer and planter W.F. Killen of Houston County, Georgia, is converted to the Adventist faith, along with his family. Killen states that "I have no trouble in getting my laborers (colored people) to keep it [the Sabbath]."


March 1-March 4: 3rd Special General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


March 14: C.O. Taylor reports in the Review and Herald that a black minister in Worth County, Georgia, is keeping the Sabbath.


August: Charles Kinny/Kinney is baptized in Reno, Nevada, during a tent meeting conducted by J.N. Loughborough and guest speaker Ellen White.


October 4-October 16: 17th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 549


Beginning Membership: 11,608


End Membership: 13,077






July 6: James Gershom (J.G.) Dasent is born.


November 7-December 1: 18th General Conference Session, Battle Creek, Michigan.


Churches: 599


Beginning Membership: 13,077


End Membership: 14,141

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